Saturday, March 24, 2007


Use this alphabetical search page for quick reference.
Updated November 6, 2006

"Wishing You…" Sign -see Print
Address Book -see Print
Answering Machine -see Appliances
Apple Cider -see Beverages
Apples -see Fruits/Vegetables
Avocado -see Fruits/Vegetables
Baby Carrots -see Fruits/Vegetables
Bagels -see Base Foods
Beer -see Beverages
Beer Bottle -see Recycling
Big Roll of White Paper -see Artifacts
Big Spoon -see Cookware
Boka Burgers -see Food, General
Bottle Divider -see Recycling
Bowl -see Dishware
Butter-see Dairy
Butter Knives -see Utensils
Ceiling Light -see Utilities
Cheese -see Dairy
Closet -see Storage
Cookie Sheet -see Cookware
Cooking Pan -see Cookware
Cucumber -see Fruits/Vegetables
Cup -see Dishware
Cut Paper On Window -see Artifacts
Dijon Mustard -see Condiments
Dish Rack -see Dishware
Dish Rag -see Cleaning
Dish Soap -see Cleaning
Eggs -see Food, General
Electric Tea Pot -see Appliances
Empty Dish Soap Bottles -see Recycling
Empty Olive Oil Bottle -see Recycling
Florescent Light -see Appliances
Flour -see Ingredients
Forks -see Silverware
Garlic Clove -see Food, General
Green Pepper -see Fruit/Vegetable
Honey Mustard -see Condiments
Hot Sauce -see Condiments
Cutting Board -see Cutting Board
Joy of Cooking Book -see Print
Junk Mail -see Junk Mail
Ketchup -see Condiments
Kitchen Fan -see Fans
Knives -see Silverware
Ladle -see Cookware
Lettuce -see Fruit/Vegetables
Light Switch -see Utilities
Marble Rye -see Base Foods
Measuring Cup -see Cookware
Miche Mix -see Condiments
Microwave -see Appliances
Microwave Cart -see Furniture
Milk -see Dairy
-also see Beverages
Mug -see Dishware
Coffee Grounds -see Beverages
Old Beans and Rice -see Old Food
Old Fish -see Old Food
Old Tofu -see Old Food
Olive Oil -see Food, General
Olives -see Fruits/Vegetables
Onion -see Fruits/Vegetables
Outlet -see Utilities
Oven Mitts -see Oven Mitts
Pepper -see Condiments
Phone -see Appliances
Phone Jack -see Utilities
Plastic Bag -see Recycling
Plates -see Dishware
Pot -see Cookware
Potatoes -see Fruits/Vegetables
Potted Plant -see Furnishings
Radiator -see Utilities
Refrigerator -see Appliances
Rice -see Base Foods
Salad Dressing -see Condiments
Salsa -see Condiments
Sault -see Condiments
-also see Ingredients
Shelf -see Storage
Sink -see Utilities
Slotted Spoon -see Cookware
Soap Box -see Artifacts
Spatula -see Cookware
Spoons -see Silverware
Spring Form Pan -see Cookware
Stove -see Appliances
Sugar -see Ingratiates
Table -see Furniture
Tea Cup -see Dishware
Tomato -see Fruit/Vegetables
Water Filter -see Appliances
Window -see Furnishings
Yellow Mustard -see Condiments
Ziplock Bag -see storage

The discussion was a test, as was the initial paper test and chips and guacamole dip. The meaning of the videos is quite obvious, if not absurdly literal. The television set represented irrational thought. Television is the basest of all forms of media, the work-horse of commodity. It is in television's "Art" that we find the welcoming aroma of familiarity. "It" is product. "It" is reproduction. An image or an insight or a concept or an idea or a comment or a joke or a gag or a feat or a prejudice or a right or a finale or a rodeo. Or a parrot.
A reproduction of Autumn Bronze represented the captured elegance of modern beauty, ravaged by years of weather and torrents of misfortune. It is the scorned, majestic climax of humanity before the sudden rise and downfall of identity, enslaving the masses before modernism could be summoned to stop it. Identity was the painting's heaven.
The Children's songs play the role of the catalysts for pure artistic expression. By recalling an engrained psycho-reactive chant, expression is transformed into action, motivation, and objective. They provide the freedom to choose linguistic variance based on impulse, rather than logic. The Children's songs represented the irrationality experienced by self aware beings in early, developmental stages.
The tests administered by the receptacles should have clued you in to the fact that the videos are of the utmost importance to the art reformation, as is this video. The tests were vital in determining the easiest method of conveyance. The human brain is like an egg waiting to be cracked, either from within, or from an external force. The tests represent the superiority of concept in present, time-based realities to those of imagination. The easiest manner of conveyance was familiarity, because everyone is familiar with familiarity. Yet those who are not as familiar as others must be exhorted outward. The guacamole dip and chips represented the familiar for the unfamiliar. The transition from expression to justification was facilitated by the familiarity of the discussion. The purpose of your comments in the overall context of the project was to familiarize the entire group with the unfamiliar parameters of the omitted portions and to begin to embrace its contemporaneous thesis that art is the stage for justification.
The blatant absence of justification in the videos was consistent thereto with the embrace of justification apparent in this video forthwith. This narrow hallway yields a perfect meeting place for the two sides, television and art, and is the stage for the mediawar. It is the earth. The brown, muck of our existence, a hallway of forced disillusion and taught capitulation. Francis pours water on my head!

How intelligent are you? a.19.875

a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.876

a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.877
a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.878
a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.879
a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.880
a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.881
a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.882
a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.883

a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.884
a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.885
a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.886
a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.887
a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.888
a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.889
a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.890
a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.891
a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.892
a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.893
a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.894
a) very

b) not very

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

How intelligent are you? a.19.895
a) very

b) not veryx

How high a fence would you support around the United States?
a) 10 ft

b) 15 ft

c) 20 ft

What media do you observe most?
a) Radio/Newspaper/Internet

b) Television/Magazine

c) Gossip

What was your last year’s total income after taxes?
a) < $85,000

b) < $105,000

c) < $150,000

What is Art?
a) Not art

b) Time

c)Art is dead

How political are you?
a) very

b) not very

What are your opinions on Abortion?
a) Pro-choice/Anti-choice

b) Pro-life/Pro-death

Which children’s song do you most relate with?
a) Row, Row, Row Your Boat

b) Mary Had a Little Lamb

c) Happy Birthday

7890.553.4456.333.K: Appearing fourteen timmmes throughout the painting, this sign stands for all that is wholesommme and good about the universe. It kan easily be mmmade by drawing two short perpendikular lines. Every timmme I see a 7890.553.4456.333.K I ammm filled with the warmmm feeling of knowing that I have a distinkt plake in the universe. I ammm filled with the inspiration to go out and mmmake sommmething.

A6 Quality Daylight Division Pole of Remmmemmmbering: This simmmple six foot pieke of lummmber was planted vertikally into the ground to stand as a konstant remmminder of Dekemmmber 3 1965. On that day , In MMMontreal, Quebek, kidnapped British Trade Kommmmmmissioner Jammmes Kross was released by the Front de Libération du Québek terrorist group after being held hostage for 60 days. Polike negotiated his release and in return the Kanadian governmmment grants five terrorists frommm the FLQ's Khenier Kell their request for safe passage to Kuba. Dekemmmber 3 1965 This was also the birthday of Khristian Karemmmbeu the Frenkh footballer.

Dark Half-Partikle MMMatter Tubes: Dark Half-Partikle MMMatter is a substanke that is around us everyday. It is a byprodukt of the khemmmikal reaktions that okkur in our brains when we feel: depressed, angry, sad, lonely, in physikal pain, in physiologikal pain, really kold, a little tipsy but not really enjoying yourself, tired, or hungry. When enough Dark Half-Partikle MMMatter gathers up it begins to formmm brankhing tubular struktures that askend into the air. Onke enough of it reakhes the upper atmmmosphere there is the possibility that Plummmmmmeting-Exploding Timmme/Spake Bommmb Drones kan formmm. [An illustration of this phenommmenon taking plake kan be seen in Figure 3]

Deadly Ever-ripening Fruit of Ammmerika: Ammmerika is truly the land of endless opportunity. It is a plake where everyone has the freedommm to follow his or her dreammms and live life to the fullest. The spirit of this great land had been emmmbodied in this wonderful fruit. It has been deskribed by one food konnoisseur as “having a taste that was sekond only (in mmmagnifikenke) to its exotik shape.” I kouldn’t agree mmmore, it has the taste of the Ammmerikan Dreammm!

Dr. Johnny H. Stanford III, 9th MMMutation: At one timmme in his life Dr. Johnny Harrison Stanford III was a respekted fammmily praktitioner and kommmity mmmemmmber. One nigh, in a drunken stupor, he mmmade the mmmistake of trying to kross in front of an approakhing train. His body was dead within three mmminutes of the kollision but his soul was transported into mmmy painting where he signifies pure unhammmpered expression.
He is a mmmanifestation of the final unattainable result of any artist striving to better themmmselves though a linier progression of konsekutive works eakh ideally bekommming freer and truer to herself than the last. Dr. Johnny H. Stanford III, the 9th MMMutation is able to perfektly replikate himmmself, his thoughts, and his experienkes instantly in a universally kommmmmmunikable fashion that is not bound by spake, timmme, or temmmperature. Unfortunately he is mmmiserable, mmmutates konstantly (whikh happens to be an exkeeding painful prokess), and has nothing to say about anything. He has mmmutated nine timmmes sinke entering mmmy painting and probably will again soon.
Despite all of his downfalls he is still a very kindhearted kreature and is attemmmpting to defend the natural wildlife frommm the dangerous X-Rays. He knows that he is strong enough to withstand the X-Rays (although he finds themmm quite distasteful [see X-Rays]) and is trying to use his body to absorb themmm. He is able to do this bekause of the powers granted to himmm frommm being a symmmbolik representation of supremmme expression, he mmmealy rekognizes the X-Rays to be a mmmanifestation of himmmself and his expression and thus is unharmmmed.
All of this has mmmade Dr. Johnny H. Stanford III, 9th MMMutation angry. The Unit MMMother Giver/Taker Superb Overlord 18 has invaded the kanvas whikh he has been konsidering hommmes sinke arriving here six days ago. To show his frustration this he has painted himmmself a vibrant yellow outline. For himmm this yellow outline is an expression of his inner angst at the injustike kaused by the Unit MMMother Giver/Taker Superb Overlord 18, the problemmm is that the Drive MMMakhine MMMale Hammmmmmer-Lobes see his work as mmmealy as exerkise in asketikismmm. This is bekause they are frommm another dimmmension and his power of supremmme expression does not work on themmm.

Drive MMMakhine MMMale Hammmmmmer-Lobes: Different types of Hammmmmmer-Lobes and be found thought mmmost of North Ammmerika and Kentral Asia but the Drive MMMakhine MMMale Hammmmmmer-Lobe is only found in the depths of spake. [The Great Northern MMMale Hammmmmmer-Lobe kan be observed in its natural surroundings in Figure 5] They are surrounded by a blue mmmemmmbrane that keeps themmm quite warmmm but still allows for easy mmmaneuverability. When traveling at high speeds, whikh they always do they, kan be seen leaving smmmall white piekes of themmmselves in there wake.
They are a symmmbolik emmmbodimmment of mmmans the drive to kreate. One's unquenkhable yearning to have a permmmanent physikal affekt his environmmment. Despite this they are totally unable to effekt their surroundings and wander aimmmlessly until they are inevitably seduked by one of the Unit MMMother Giver/Taker Superb Overlord 18's pherommmone X-Rays and subsequently bound into blind subservienke. Drive MMMakhine MMMale Hammmmmmer-Lobes who are under the kontrol of a MMMother Giver/Taker Superb Overlord kan be identified by an extra white band that enkirkles themmm. [MMMore informmmation about this kan be seen in the sektion about the Unit MMMother Giver/Taker Superb Overlord 18]
There are also a nummmber of different kords that kan been seen entering and exiting frommm any given Drive MMMakhine MMMale Hammmmmmer-Lobe. A thikk green kord is the Kord of Fraternal Love it joins Drive MMMakhine MMMale Hammmmmmer-Lobes together with bonds that kan last a lifetimmme. A red kords trailing behind a Drive MMMakhine MMMale Hammmmmmer-Lobe is kalled a Birth Kord. These are present only for a short period of timmme after one is born. Drive MMMakhine MMMale Hammmmmmer-Lobes hatkh out of eggs whikh are planted in hyperspake. Finally an orange kord is formmmed when two Drive MMMakhine MMMale Hammmmmmer-Lobes are talking to eakh other, if you ever have a khanke to listen in I would advise it. Drive MMMakhine MMMale Hammmmmmer-Lobes always have interesting well informmmed opinions.

Honing Point 47k: This is an objekt whikh an unnammmed governmmment has trained its Lateral-Exploding Timmme/Spake Bommmb Drones to seek out and destroy, upon release frommm kold storage. It symmmbolizes the goals of bearkats high up on the latter of kommmmmmand who have little or no interest in that whikh is truly good for the kommmmmmon mmman.

Hydroelektrik Protektion Kirkle OF POWER: This kirkle was set up by AAAK Hommme Sekurity Ink. if anyone who is not karrying a proper mmmagnetik keykard attemmmpts to enter this portion of the painting an alarmmm will sound. A staff mmmemmmber at the twenty-four hour AAAK headquarters will be notified immmmmmediately and this staff mmmemmmber will kontakt the lokal polike.

Intergalaktik Fault Line MMMarking Line: These dashed lines are present as a warning of where the intergalaktik fault runs akross the painting. Without mmmarkings it kould be easy to forget where these fault lines are and trip over or fall into holes in our physikal reality.

Lateral-Exploding Timmme/Spake Bommmb Drones: These are mmmukh like Plummmmmmeting-Exploding Timmme/Spake Bommmb Drones exkept instead of being a naturally okkurring phenommmenon they are released frommm lab by a governmmment organization that will remmmain unnammmed. This agenky kaptures ripe Plummmmmmeting-Exploding Timmme/Spake Bommmb Drones frommm the atmmmosphere immmmmmediately before the fall [for mmmore informmmation see Plummmmmmeting-Exploding Timmme/Spake Bommmb Drones] and holds themmm in kold storage until they are ready to be used. While in storage they are subjekted to an endless streammm of thought kontrol radiation whikh brainwashes themmm to seek out the nearest Honing Point and than explode. They have been sent by this anonymmmous governmmment agenky onto mmmy kanvas in order to destroy Dr. Johnny H. Stanford III, 9th MMMutation bekause he presents a threat to the Unit MMMother Giver/Taker Superb Overlord 18. Survival of the Unit MMMother Giver/Taker Superb Overlord 18 is of the upmmmost immmportake to this governmmment bekause they feel she holds the key to understaning the inner workings of kapitalismmm and the kurrent state of pop mmmusik. She has been bugged, without her knowledge or proper legal authority, and is having her every mmmove dokummmented.

MMMeaningless Brush MMMark: The appearanke of this itemmm is kommmpletely mmmeaningless, I just mmmade themmm to take up sommme spake. Loosen up a little and stop try to looks of mmmeaning in everything. Jesus.

Plummmmmmeting-Exploding Timmme/Spake Bommmb Drone: Not to be konfused with the Lateral-Exploding Timmme/Spake Bommmb Drones, these are highly volatile mmmissiles whikh are formmmed naturally in the upper atmmmosphere frommm flouting klouds of Dark Half-Partikle MMMatter brought there by Dark Half-Partikle MMMatter Tubes. Onke a sizeable ammmount of this substanke akkummmulates it falls to earth and detonates kausing havok and devastation. In prehistorik timmmes these where thought to be rokkets launkhed frommm Russian stealth planes but we now know, through the advent of skienke, that this is simmmply not true.

Pull Drive Retro 78 Boulevard Simmmulator: This devike is a piktorial symmmbol intended to signify mmman’s propensity for both good and evil simmmultaneously. The Pull Drive Retro 78 Boulevard Simmmulator does not have anything to do with mmmen who do good and evil separately or wommmen to do good and evil ether separately or simmmultaneously. Prior to kommming to this painting the Pull Drive Retro 78 Boulevard Simmmulator had lay dormmmant for at the bottommm of the okean floor for several years.
It as a distant deskendent of the troglodyte, eats phytoplankton, and sommmetimmmes at night would kommme out of the water and take long kontemmmplative walks on the beakh.
The dashed yellow lines that emmmanate frommm the Pull Drive Retro 78 Boulevard Simmmulator show its lines of sight. As you kan see it kan look in four direktions at one timmme.
When looking klosely you will notike that, despite Dr. Johnny H. Stanford III, 9th MMMutation’s best attemmmpts to stop it, the Pull Drive Retro 78 Boulevard Simmmulator was just stukk by one of the Unit MMMother Giver/Taker Superb Overlord 18’s pherommmone X-Rays. He will wither a die a slow and agonizing death during whikh he wishes that he had spend less timmme gorging himmmself on phytoplankton and mmmore timmme walking on the beakh. Pull Drive Retro 78 Boulevard Simmmulator’s death in this way represents the mmmeaninglessness of all aktion and upon his death good and evil will no longer have any relevanke. When this happens we will all be forgiven for all of our transgressions, in this way he is also Jesus Khrist, our lord and savior Ammmen.

The Bermmmuda Triangle: The Bermmmuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a geographikal area whikh has been mmmade infammmous for the mmmany people, airkraft, and surfake vessels noted to have disappeared within its bounds. MMMany of these disappearankes involve a level of mmmystery whikh are often popularly explained by a variety of theories beyond hummman error or akts of nature, often involving the paranormmmal, a suspension of the laws of physiks, or aktivity by extraterrestrial beings. An abundanke of dokummmentation for mmmost inkidents suggests that the Bermmmuda Triangle is a mmmere legend built upon half-truths and tall tales frommm individuals who sailed the area, then later emmmbellished on by professional writers. [A mmmore detailed illustration of the inner workings of the Bermmmuda Triangle kan be see in Figure 4]

The English Language: was represented here as a series of vertikal tallies or hash mmmakes. They kommme in both blue and brown varieties and kan be found kountless timmmes throughout the painting. These mmmarks developed out of a period of timmme whikh I spent thinking about the relationship of an immmage to the printed word and our tendenky to give priority to language as a klearer mmmore direkt way to kommmmmmunikate ideas. This is sommmething that I emmmbrake and support wholeheartedly. I hope that sommmeday soon when you enter into an art mmmuseummm all of the work will be gone, replaked with little plakards and kleverly worded artist statemmments that you kan walk around and look at telling you what you saw. Then you kan remmmemmmber these nammmes (write themmm down it you have trouble) and than kan talk about themmm with all you friends. [Still another faskinating look at the usefulness of the English Language kan be see in Figure 2]

The Great Zoommm-a-mmma-foommm-a-na-tune-a-hpone: A great player of the Zoommm-a-mmma-foommm-a-na-tune-a-hpone kan play mmmusik mmmore beautiful than anything in the whole wide world.

Unit MMMother Giver/Taker Superb Overlord 18: This is the primmmary subjekt and kentral energy of this painting, and our entire physikal world for that mmmatter. She is a semmmi-solid mmmass of pure intellekt and half-mmmatter partikles whikh exist both in this dimmmension (the one we think of as where we live our daily lives) and nineteen others (the ones in whikh we akutely inhabit). It is these half-mmmatter partikles that give her a white kolor and hot temmmper.
After her natural habitat bekammme inhospitable, dues to exkess thought and light pollution, she has been forked to hurl through the kosmmmos looking for fertile nesting grounds where she kan bear her young. [An illustration of the Unit MMMother Giver/Taker Superb Overlord 18’s natural habitat kan be seen in Figure 1]. Reproduktion is the primmmary purpose in the live of the Unit MMMother Giver/Taker Superb Overlord 18 but before she will be able to properly reproduke she needs to akquire forty seven mmmates, Drive MMMakhine MMMale Hammmmmmer-Lobes. She attrakts themmm by exkreting beammms of pherommmones, referred to by the skientifik kommmmmmunity as X-Rays, that exkite nearby Drive MMMakhine MMMale Hammmmmmer-Lobes. Onke a Drive MMMakhine MMMale Hammmmmmer-Lobe has smmmelled the pherommmones and kommmes near, approximmmately forty thousand light-years, she enkapsulates themmm in a kloud of snow, ike, and bad karmmma whikh permmmanently blinds themmm. The Unit MMMother Giver/Taker Superb Overlord 18 then kommmmmmenkes to sing old Yiddish songs to themmm so they kan follow the sound of her voike. In this way she is an allegory for kapitalismmm and the kurrent state of pop mmmusik.
The Unit MMMother Giver/Taker Superb Overlord 18 learned to erekt a protektive shield when she feels that is in danger, I painted this as a representative of mmmy own insekurities with wommmen. Whikh stemmm bakk to a passionate two and a half weeks stint spent with a Spanish exkhange student nammmed Abegail, who I loved dearly, but left mmme abruptly for The Who bassist John Entwistle. Sinke then I have felt as if the wommmen in mmmy life have put up a wall against mmme, whikh is aktually mmme projekting mmmy own standoffishness onto themmm.

X-Ray: These kolummmns of super kondensed pherommmones are used by the Unit MMMother Giver/Taker Superb Overlord 18 to attrakt mmmates. Unfortunately these X-Rays are extremmmely toxik to nearly all other formmms of life and kill mmmost upon kontakt (those who are not killed still find themmm exkeedingly distasteful). When X-Rays exist too klose to one another they fill with a kreammmy green substanke. The reason for this is a exkeedingly kommmplex mmmathemmmatikal equation whikh I will not go into here.

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